Monday, August 5, 2013

Let's get cookin'

I’m a southern girl…and I love to eat. It’s been a pitfall of mine since I was a teenager. I think of myself as an emotional/boredom eater. It’s something that I’ve been working on profusely. Winning my family over with healthier choices will be a long journey! I cook normally for my just myself and my parents….but on occasion I do cook for my brothers and their families. I have a picky bunch of people to feed that love southern home cooking. So my big thing will be winning them over. I have started experimenting with classic meal items and putting a spin on them to make them healthy. Pinterest has become my best friend, as well as Spark recipes! I will win them over…One recipe at a time. I am still on the hunt for a new job, or one that actually wants me. The job I started in June I had such high hopes for and I should have known that it wasn’t meant to be. A friend of mine shared the most profound statement that really hit home for me…If something is meant to be you will feel peace/calm, if something isn’t you will feel confused. And that was all I ever felt at the office, confusion. I want to be at a place where I’m wanted and that I don’t have to drag myself out of bed and force myself to work…sadly that place wasn’t it. I haven’t worked there for going on 3 weeks now and I hate that they keep stringing me along. I have to adapt a more positive outlook about finding a new job I know, but for tonight I’m allowing myself a pity party! So back on track…I’m getting my “workout” routine. I’m dusting off my old yoga mat, which sadly I haven’t used for yoga  But a new yoga studio just opened in town and I’m excited to check out. And my Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred dvd will be put to good use again….and daily walks will resume! I missed walking, I feel like it’s my Zen part of the day. I’m taking it one day at a time, working on me and getting my life together.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Acceptance and moving on....

Life's not fair; we've all heard that saying. Sometimes we just have to cut our losses and move on, it's not easy but it's something we must do in order to achieve the person we are striving to be. Without struggle there is not comfort. Without rain there is no chance at a rainbow. Since I was laid off back in March I have had my fair share of struggles, but I have learned oh so many lessons. Though I will admit there are days when I have to remind myself “God doesn’t give us more than we can handle”. I always chuckle to myself saying “God must think I’m one tough chick”. I have learned just how frivolous my spending money was. Now I find myself asking “Is this a necessity or a want…do I really need this? Nine times out of ten the answer is no….so I pass that item up. It was sooooooo difficult at first, but I can say it gets easier in time! Since I have started my weight loss journey I have decided that there is no more paying regular price for clothing, when I won’t be wearing it for long *I hope*! I have started hitting thrift stores and clearance racks at stores. And it helps having a handy mom with needle and thread! She helps me out by taking up the waists of too big pants when she can. I wear a lot of cardigans and sweaters so tank tops after summer time are always high on my list of things to look for at bargain prices. I have also started looking on facebook at a local yard sale page to score some good deals. In fact just yesterday I scored an awesome skirt, pants, and two pairs of shorts for $12! Since being in between full time and part time jobs I have also found bliss again in lacing up my Skechers and hitting the pavement walking! There is something so peaceful and serene about going on daily walks! It’s time for just me and my music and my thoughts. I’m dusting off my 5k dreams again and I will do it this time! I’m tired of being this skinny girl stuck in my big girl body. I’ve toyed with Sparkpeople several times before but never followed through on the whole experience. BUT this time I have the motivation and drive to complete my journey. I have accepted the fact that my body didn’t get fat overnight….it’s going to take time and effort to take the weight off. I have to make serious lifestyle changes and get a “move on”! Exercise has never been something I’ve liked…but I intend to make it fun in some way so that I will want to do it. I’m currently working on a new Motivational collage, goals, and menu plans. We just got a new produce store in town so I plan on checking it out and scoring some awesome fresh fruits and veggies. And I’m getting a handle on my soda drinking. I have cut back to just 1 a day, which is huge for me since switching from regular caffeine soda’s to no caffeine two years ago. Regular water isn’t so bad and Crystal Light makes some delish alternatives to flavor your water! I’m glad that I am finally getting #Backontrack! I intend to do it this time…I WILL DO IT!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


My new theme song for my journey is Remix by my old favorite band...New Kids on the Block.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

That moment...

I have always wondered what my "Aha" moment would be...I've thought over and over I've had it but it never really clicked, until recently. My best friend and I were on our way to relive our childhoods at a New Kids on the Block concert. Before the show we decided to stop by a mall and do some impulse shopping. Normally shopping and I don't have a problem, but clothes shopping a different story. It is very hard to find "cute" plus size clothes. But while waiting on my friend to try on clothes I was wandering around the store and walked past a mirror and as I glanced at myself in passing, I genuinely did not like what I saw. The image staring back at me literally made me want to break into tears. Don't get me wrong, I look in the mirror daily while getting ready for work, but at that moment it hit me like a ton of bricks. My "spare tire" made me look like I was several months pregnant and my shirt that was hiding my chunky arms wasn't helping matters. So in essence I knew at that moment I had to get back on track and make changes to change that reflection! Later that night my realization was reintegrated by the aching legs at the end of the concert. My poor legs weren't up to the task of holding all the extra weight I carry for so long.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not losing weight for the vanity aspect, though it will help I am doing it for my health and well being! My body doesn't deserve the torture I have put it through for the sake of my lousy eating habits and lack of exercise! This is something I HAVE to do, now is the time to do it! In the end I hope that I can be able to go back and pass by that same mirror and be able to smile back at that girl and say how fantastic I look!

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Nothing will set your world spinning like finding out you are being laid off from your job. That became my harsh reality in March. After 11 years my world, routine, and life where sent into a tail spin. Sure I struggled, I scrimped and saved and I had to re-learn so to speak the value of a dollar. Thankfully I had a wonderful supportive set of parents to help me when I was down. But out of the bad I found more good. And that will become the inspiration to this little blog. So prepared yourselves for a wide variety of ramblings and thoughts! Thanks for taking time out to visit my little blog :)